Review of the LED Measuring Spoon

Review of the LED Measuring Spoon

We are always on the lookout for simple solutions that make caring for our doggos easier. The LED Measuring Spoon appears to be a simple solution to ensure correct food portions are given at each feeding time. We decided to try it out.

First Impressions

The measuring spoon comes in a neat minimal white box.  contained within it is the spoon is in two pieces; the scoop and the handle.  The required battery is not included so you will need to go to your local Woolies or Coles and buy a 2032 button battery. The scoop and handle are easily assembled via a small hook. 

The Testing

Our test plan was straight forward. Assemble the spoon and see how easy it was to measure out a typical meal like our dogs dry food. The video below shows how this test was performed.

Some key observations from this test are:

- The scoop took a few seconds to zero correctly when turned on

- It takes a very steady hand to reliably get the measurement to the gram. This appears the be a function of the design of the detachable scoop on the handle. 

Overall the spoon was easy to use and would be more accurate than a manual spoon, measuring cup if a varied diet is provided.



  • Easy to use
  • Accurate enough to be used daily for a variety of food types on a daily basis.
  • Scoop detaches for cleaning.
  • Can measure in g, ml, cup and oz adjusted by the right hand button.


  • Given it is hand held it is very sensitive on settling on a final weigh to the gram as compared to a desktop kitchen scales.

Final Verdict - it is Dog Approved 😊

The LED Measuring Spoon is a convenient accessory for measuring out accurate quantities of your doggo's food.

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